So here we are on Eurostar, sporting big smiles for the nice young man who kindly agreed to take the picture. We look innocent enough, but hardly has the train left the station when Sue brings her bottle of champagne out of the case and ....
Well, that was her smart jeans out of commission for the week end and us looking very sheepish when the nice French gentleman behind returned our cork to us muttering something which fortunately we didn't understand. Off we go to Brussels Midi, a charming station which appears to have only one working toilet. Strange for the Capital of Europe. Then on to our little hotel, which promises to be absolutely stuffed with contemporary works of art, according to the blurb on the Internet. Quelle excitement ! I wonder what visual delight awaits for us in the chambre.
Labels: Weekend in Brussels
Hi Pen]
Thanks for your message on our blog. I hope you are now feeling better. I heard all about your trip to Brussels from Mum it sounds like you had a good time. I am looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip to Brussels on your blog!
Good Luck for the fun run. We will be thinking of you and Mum on the day.
Love Sarah and Leon
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