Monday, August 25, 2008

Let's get it started....
As some voice was always urging me in the gym, don't know who, didn't care much.

Keep thinking about writing but not actually doing it. Reminding myself of the kids in drama lesson, endlessly discussing and never getting round to producing anything.
" Just get up!" I used to say, "knock on the door, go in, start talking."

So this is it,fist clenched, arm up in line with my shoulder, bang bang with my foot and...

Maybe I'm looking for my voice, that seems to be what people on the radio say when they talk about writing. Now voices I'm alright with, in fact I'm perilously close to vain about my voice. I find myself thinking very middle aged stuff about voices. Like,
" How on earth do they allow a voice as bad as that on the BBC?"
and that sort of stuff. I'm particularly affronted by the tide of Scottish accents which threaten to engulf me. It started with that wretched Kirsty creature on News Night and the grating way she used to refer to " George Boosh" who was quite grating enough in his own right without her annoying accent. Just when I stopped shouting at Kirsty, along came the even more annoying Laura Kuennsberg who only seems to talk with half of her mouth and has the most unfortunate nasal twang to add to her oppressive Scottishness. In the old days I might have sent her a letter, offering to give her a few voice lessons to do the nations ears a favour, but what's the point ? Now days it seem that a Scottish accent is a prerequisite for running the country and presenting political comment. What would I know ? I only studied voice at the establishment that finely tuned the larynxes of Sir LaurenceOlivier and Dames Dench and Redgrave. Bursting with finely tuned larynxes the BBC is not, with the possible exception of that nice black guy with the very deep voice who make all too few announcements.
Blimey! Looks like I've found my voice.



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